2024 weBLEEDfpv eSPORTS eSERIES - Race Format

Race Format: 
Every Sunday evening, for each race, 6 out of 8 pilots from each team will be racing! (NOTE: each pilot is REQUIRED to race in a minimum of 4 out of the 6 races leading up to the championship). The tracks we will be flying will be released every Sunday evening following that night's race. This allows everyone on each team a full week to grind the track and learn their lines. But, just like season 3, there is a twist. Your team will be awarded points based on not only placements come race day but also from leaderboard smashing. Pilots will be tiered based on the time from leaderboard smashing.
There are three separate ways that teams will be awarded points.
1. First way teams will be awarded points is based on ALL 8 of their pilots times on the leaderboard added together to determine your teams placement leading up to the race itself. Cutoff for this is 11:59pm EST Saturday (the day before the actual race) We will add your 8 pilots' times together and compare them to every other team. 1st place will get 7 pts, 2nd place will get 6 pts and so on.
2. Overall team placement on actual race day. Each individual heat will be awarded the following points.
1st - 10pts
2nd - 8pts
3rd - 6pts
4th - 4pts
5th - 2pts
6th - 1pt
7th - 0pts
At the end of the race, 1st place will get 14 pts, 2nd place will get 12 pts and so on after all points are added together.
3. At the end of the weekly race the top 3 teams will race off in a relay style race where teams are awarded bonus points. We will run Captain and T1’s together, T2 and T3 together and lastly T4 and T5 together. 
1st in the relay heat = 10pts
2nd in the relay heat = 8pts
3rd in the relay heat = 5pts
After all 3 relay heats 1st place team will gain a bonus 3pts, 2nd place team a bonus 2pts, and 3rd place team a bonus 1pt for their overall team points.
Come race day, there will be 6 rounds of racing with 6 heats in each round. All captains go against captains, all Tier 1’s go against Tier 1’s and so on. We will run all 6 heats with points based on placements. 
After all 6 weeks are completed, ALL teams will make the championship race. 
So for now pilots, hop on Velocidrone, load up your Whoop, and SEND IT on the weBLEEDfpv Tryout Tracks now!